Megan Smiley

FACT: I always beat the guy next to me on the treadmill, he just might not know we’re racing.

Yep, that’s really my name. And if you didn’t know it was my name, you’d probably call me that anyway. Maybe a name like Smiley puts a lot of pressure on a person, but I’ve more than embraced it. You see, smiling is contagious and even over the phone you can hear a smile start to crack when I say my name. It’s how I got my first job when I moved to Seattle from the other Washington. I was hired in sales at Q13 FOX after I wrote a note to the sales manager and signed it with a big old smiley face.

I loved that job, but after years of selling I realized that what I most connected with was helping my clients grow their businesses through great media decisions. That’s where I decided to put 100% of my energy. And that’s when Sunny & Smiley got started.